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A highly circumlocutory, sesquipedalian, alphanumeric, terminologically linguistic, and pleonastically periphrastic textual document expounding the cogitational method to evaluate the mathematical numeric expression 1 + 1

by CerebralDatabank

You, a human (frequently referred to as a specimen of Homo sapiens), have located yourself here, probably in utter discombobulation, and if the aforementioned statement is valid, you will likely stay discombobulated throughout your linguistic and grammatical parsing of this terminologically & linguistically textual document. If you have ample chronometric moments and the persistence for endurance for an elongated duration, please continue mentally parsing this terminologically & linguistically textual document.

To initiate this expounding of the aforementioned mathematical expression, this textual document will initially commence with a linguistic statement. Imagine a tridimensional scene in your mind. There are two inanimate entities, one a regular hexahedron and the other a truncated icosahedron. If another animate entity, such as you (a sentient individual), decides to summate the numeric values of the quantities of each type of polygon, it will result in the numeric value 2. In our hypothetical situation, the quantity of regular hexahedrons is 1 and the quantity of truncated icosahedrons can also be collectively evaluated to 1. Summating those two numeric values cerebrally results in a numeric value of 2. Therefore, deriving from this textual document and its incorporated hypothetical situation, it can be cerebrally concluded that the mathematical expression 110 + 110 = 210 (customarily alluded to as 1 + 1 = 2) can be unequivocally identified and considered as true.