CerebralDatabank Desktop Simulator
Things you need to know before beginning:
- Your name is John Smith.
- Your password is p@55w0rd
- If you shut down SimOS, the F1 key acts as the power button.
- SimCoin is a digital currency.
- SimOS is an operating system built by SimTech Corp.
- The Desktop Simulator is best viewed in Firefox Quantum. Not supported in Microsoft Edge.
- To learn more about a file in File Manager, you can right-click and click "Details".
- Dave is that one annoying neighbor that hacks into your network instead of getting his own. Also, Dave has a really cool gaming computer (DAVEGAMINGPC) with a powerful CPU and GPU that you are jealous of. You would like to have revenge.
- WARNING: Reloading the page at any time will make you lose all your progress except for completed achievements.
After clicking "Start", press F11 to go fullscreen for best effect!
Or, for an installation experience, run setup.exe to install SimOS.