Everything that you can do in the Desktop Simulator (aka SimOS)
Yep. Everything. You haven't explored SimOS fully until you have done everything in this list.
Also get these achievements (also in the trophee icon in the SimOS taskbar): https://cerebraldatabank.neocities.org/cool_webpages/simos_achievements.html
Your tasks (note that %COMPUTER% refers to COMPUTER-3R6Q17H):
- Open the Start menu.
- Open and tweak Settings to your liking (especially the "Allow access to protected system files" one).
- Shut down, restart, or lock the computer in the "Power" dropdown menu.
- Open Webtron and enter any URL, then go back to about:webtron and check out Webtron News.
- Open the Webtron Menu and click "Get Extensions" to get extensions for Webtron. Tweak all the extensions' options.
- Click the "F" icon in your taskbar to open File Manager to view all of the files on your computer. (To access the $SYS folder, you will have to enable the option stated in Task 2)
- Open all of the folders in File Manager.
- Right-click on a file and view its details or delete it (only on some files).
- Right-click on "C:" in the File Manager and click "Remove this drive..." to permanently corrupt SimOS.
- After doing the previous task, click "Restart SimOS" once to reveal the "Reinstall SimOS..." button and then click on it.
- Check your Webtron browsing history in %COMPUTER%\C:\Program Files\Webtron\history.txt. Edit it to your liking - it automatically saves while you're typing.
- Edit %COMPUTER%\C:\Personal Files\Shopping List.txt
- Open %COMPUTER%\C:\Program Files\oldplayer_installer.exe, leave the pre-checked bloatware checked, and infect your computer (really badly, in fact - go to about:news/oldplayer_bundled_malware.html in Webtron for more info).
- If you did Task 13, try shutting down or restarting your computer (it won't work).
- If you did Task 13 and you also want to make it so that you can't even lock your computer, go to %COMPUTER%\C:\Program Files\viper_antivirus.exe and click "Fix Problems Now" (it deletes the lock.exe file).
- Go to about:news/unbloat.html in Webtron, scroll down, and click "Download" to download Unbloat. Then navigate to %COMPUTER%\C:\Program Files\Webtron\downloads\unbloat.exe and open it. Then, click "Unbloat my computer" to remove all that bloatware.