430 Utilities

430 Kattis Solve Totals

✓ Should work in all browsers

Totals problems solved for each Kattis assignment and displays results in a table with view filters

430 Kattis Solve Totals


  1. Click and drag "430 Kattis Solve Totals" to your browser's bookmarks bar
  2. Go to the Kattis course page that lists all the sets and problems (e.g. https://tamu.kattis.com/courses/CSCE430/2024Spring)
  3. Click "430 Kattis Solve Totals" on your bookmarks bar
  4. If you want, download the .csv file and open it in Excel/VS Code
    NOTE: If using Excel to find out how much more you need for an A, replace the "Upsolve Adj" and "Total Solve Adj" columns with formulas, so they update when you change values. Then, add a formula elsewhere that calculates the percentage (including extra credit if applicable).

430 Canvas Points

Grabs grades from Canvas and organizes into CSV file

430 Canvas Get Points as CSV


  1. Same steps as above, except click the bookmark while on the Canvas Grades page
  2. Then, save the .csv file that downloads and open it in Excel/VS Code
    NOTE: If using Excel to find out how much more you need for an A, replace the "Upsolve Adj" and "State" columns with formulas, so they update when you change values. Then, add a formula elsewhere that calculates the percentage (including extra credit if applicable).

Raw Code

If the bookmarklets are not working, try going to the page, right-clicking → Inspect Element → Console tab and manually running the code:

430 Kattis Solve Totals:

430 Canvas Points:

Custom CSS Styles

Apply using Stylus or other user style extension.

More green in Kattis

Problem titles in course page and problem table rows in assignment page are colored green to more easily tell at a glance which problems are solved

Canvas grades compactor

Compacts the Canvas grade page & hides unnecessary columns to avoid excessive word wrapping and fit more data on screen

430 Canvas Grades Compactor (toggle)

CSS code: