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CLI Prompt (Bash PS1) Builder

Make yourself a snazzy new CLI prompt and be the envy of your fellow programmers!

Choose Template

Choose a template. NOTE: This will DELETE and REPLACE anything you currently have in the editor!

Load template  

It's recommended that you load a few templates and look at how they're made in the editor, just to get an idea of how things work.

Coming back? You can load your .cliprompt file in the editor (Project → Upload file).

If you'd like, you can also start from scratch by clicking "Editor"!

Quick usage help for first-time users

If a chip is selected, new chips will be inserted before it. Otherwise, new chips will be inserted at the very end.

A format chip affects all text after it. For example, a "red text color" chip will make all text red until the text color changes or format is cleared.

Chips key String ANSI escape sequence (color/format) Escape sequence (Unicode/newline) PS1 Escape (info widget) Code/Plugin
Only Bash PS1 is supported at the moment.
Made with <3 by CerebralDatabank :)
Website (you're on it!) │ GitHub │ LinkedIn

Last updated 2024-06-23

Upcoming features (I'll remove the below items as I finish them):

Delete all chips?

This will DELETE all of your work and cannot be undone!

It is highly recommended to download a copy of your project if you haven't already. (Project → Download file)


A plain old string, simple as that.


Any Unicode character. It's recommended you take advantage of all the icons in Powerline Extended, Box Drawing Characters, and Nerd Fonts!

U+ {}

Quick select: 

Variation selector: 

Working Directory

This shows the current working directory of the terminal.



Git Status

This shows the status of the current git repo (__git_ps1 in Bash). This may not work on your system if your copy of git doesn't have the necessary script.

Exit Code Indicator

This shows a colored check or cross mark depending on the exit code of the previous command.


NPC Sequence Delimiter

This delimits non-printable character sequences for Bash.




“Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived.” — The G-Man, Half-Life 2 (2004)


“Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.” — Oscar Wilde, The Critic as Artist (1891)

Apply color to: 

Color type: 

␛[91m │ rgb(255 85 85)

Move Cursor

WARNING: This can cause issues with line-wrapping long commands in Bash.



Erase from Cursor

Remove characters from (clear a certain part of) the terminal screen.

WARNING: This can cause issues with line-wrapping long commands in Bash.


Note that none of these options actually move the cursor itself; you must use a Move Cursor chip for that.

Download File

This is a project file that allows you to restore your project in this web app. To get the actual prompt string code you can use in your terminal, go to the Export section.

It is highly recommended to download this regularly to save your work.

File name: .cliprompt

Upload File

Restore a .cliprompt project file you previously downloaded.

This will DELETE and REPLACE anything you currently have in the editor!
